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Little Big Planet 2 PlayStation Move Compatible Sony PS3bEVERYTHING YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR OWN GAMEb With our new toolset in your little burlap hands, you'll have all the ingredients of a great game laid out before you, waiting for you to stew them up into something nutritious. bLOVABLE CHARACTERSb Add life to your levels by dropping in a couple of Sackbots, then tweak 'em to fit your purpose style, shape, resize and dress them up nice, and then bring them to life with digital puppetry either choosing their behaviour or recording your own. Sackbots can be friends or foes, robots or zombies... whatever you need them to be. bCINEMATIC MASTERPIECESb You no longer have to be an academy award winning film maker to build great game cinematics although it will help it has to be said. New cinematic tools make it pretty darn simple to wheel in a couple of cameras into your level, choose the angles, zoom in, make it pan, sweep, fade out, or other technically named camera moves, and then string them all together to tell a story... With these tools there's no need to stop at cut scenes either combine the new cameras with Sackbots and you could create music videos, short films or even entire movies. You're going to be a box office smash. bYOUR OWN CONTROLSb Open up the guts of the Controller by placing a Direct Control Seat into the world, popping up its controller shaped circuit board, and wiring the buttons to whatever you like switches, motors, sound objects... Your vehicles and creations can behave exactly the way you want them to, or you can just wire up all the controls to various burping noises to make a crude instrument. With Direct control you can take Sackboy out of the picture, and make a game that doesn't even remotely resemble ours. Your very own handmade arcade. bINTELLIGENT MACHINES, BOSSES, PUZZLES AND VEHICLESb LittleBigPlanet allowed you to string together vast piston fuelled logic systems to control your bosses,vehicles, puzzles and machines. We've taken that system and simplified it to save on effort, space, thermometer load, and allow for far more advanced setups. Circuit boards are your new friends, the very best friends you'll ever have. You can resize them, cover them in all manner of switches, wire it all up, and then shrink it down to a tiny, tiny microchip... stick that on your creation, and give it all the logic you've just defined. Remember that insane calculator level, made up of hundreds of pistons You can fit that entire thing into one microchip bGRIN INDUCING POWER UPSb Since the dawn of game, power ups, enhancements and special abilities have enabled video game characters to go that extra mile, faster, bigger, and better equipped than they'd otherwise be. So what great game would be complete without them
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